Tuesday 11 April 2017

Minecraft- Espresso Machine



Friday 7 April 2017

Game Journalism Day 5- Guide

Survival Prediction- I predict that I will get far enough to where I will have a sustainable base with an abundance of resources. Also a lot of death will take place while attempting to do so. A shotgun will be built.

Process- The life time went well. I was able to collect multiple resources and was able to sustain myself long enough to build a base command unit without sound. During that time I was able to kill a couple of wolves for the first time, usually I would fall to them. Before being able to use or place the Base Command Unit I had to build a foundation and a wall; While scavenging for the resources needed to construct, I had been overcome by a wolf.

My Declassified Subsistence Survival Guide- 
Day 1:
When spawning into the game, you must start off by observing your surroundings. You're going to want to quickly turn that into a habit. Next, you gotta start by collecting wood, lots of it. Afterwards, start exploring the map, looking and collecting all the resources you find, whether it be from crates or not. The first goal is to create a base command unit, this will help you find yourself after death easily by checking your relation to your base. By night time you're going to want to have a fire built and some meat from wolves, chicken, or rabbits to sustain your hunger.
You should have a base built by this point, continue to collect resources and food. Upgrade your weapons to easily protect yourself if you do end up having a bear or wolf sneak up on you. This is as far as ive gotten but, you can follow the same patterns. Collect, sustain, survive and repeat.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Game Journalism Day 4- You're Dead

Death By:


Tips and Tricks- Dont die, watch where you're going and keep some food and water on you at all times. Bandages will be useful as well.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Game Journalism day 3

campfire- The campfire can be built using sticks and logs. Sticks can be crafted from logs and logs can be collected from trees.

Health Kit-  The health kit can be easily crafted using Medicinal Herbs and biofeul. The herbs cna be collected from plants and the bio fuel can be collected from Medicine bags. You will need 4 herbs and 1 biofuel container.

Shotgun- The shotgun can be built with three different items. First you will need 7 pieces of scrap metal, then 5 wood planks and finally 4 pieces of cloth. The metal can be found on the ground or in crates and the cloth can be collected from rabbits.

Storage Container- A storage container can be useful once you have a lot of items. You can store items within it. To construct a container you will need planks, nails and cordage. An abundance of each. A wall and foundation will also be needed to place it down.

Tips and Tricks- For Day 3 I recommend to collect anything and everything. That will allow you to craft and advance in the game easily all at once. Playing the game with sound is also a great benefit, you will be able to hear oncoming animals that will try to harm you. The harmful ones tend to growl at you before attacking.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Game Journalism Day 2

Who Created This Game?
Subsistence was developed and published by "ColdGames". They have a YouTube channel.

What Can You Interact with and What's the Benefit?

Chicken- A chicken can be shot or caught. The chicken drops chicken that can be eaten and feathers that can be used to craft clothing.

Rock-As far as I can tell, there are two different rocks that can be collected. One being a copper rock that gives you copper ore. The other being an iron rock, giving you iron ore in.

Tree-There are different sized trees, which give you different amount of wood. Hitting them with the ax gives you the wood. An average of three hits per wood log.

Fibre Plant-The Fibre plants drop fibres that can be used to craft cordage and feul bricks, which are essential to craft shelters for yourself. An abundance of fibres would be ideal.

Resource Bag/Box- These boxes can contain different resources depending on what type of Bag/Box it is. A brown crate will give you basic resources, a medical bag will supply bandages, biofeul, etc., an ammunition bag will supply resources needed for crafting ammunition.

Rabbit- The rabbit in the game is quite fast. Catching it can be a hassle, but it does drop cloth and meat once caught. Easier than hunting for bears and wolves.

Tips and Tricks- The tip of the day is to build Base Command Unit, This item will allow you to spawn in one spot consistently so you can find your stuff easily after death. Also jumping while running seems to make you go faster. It may not be true, but it definitely looks like it gives you a little boost. Collect as many basic resources as possible in the beginning so once you get started on building you will have everything you need.

Monday 3 April 2017

Game Journalism Day 1

What are a Person's Basic Needs?
The average person has many different needs. They will need food and water just to survive. Some sort of entertainment, whether it be a game or a hobby that one enjoys. Someone or something to express a persons thoughts to wouldn't be hurtful. A shelter to keep warm and out of unfortunate weather conditions and some clothing to keep warm and not naked.

Subsistence Definition
Subsistence means to be able to survive with the least available resources

A Brief Description of Subsistence
The game focuses on the idea of survival in the wilderness. It has many different ideas implemented into it. The game includes a character (yourself), that starts off with a gun, an ax, matches, apple, water bottle. It also has wild, aggressive animals like bears and such. I've only died to them 4 times since starting the game. The game also randomly places crates around the map that have some supplies within. The game also allows you to build materials and structures such as houses, guns, medicine, etc. You can get supplies by getting lucky or by hunting down the resource yourself, there are ores placed on the big boulders. Also, apart from getting killed by creatures, you can take fall damage.

What Type of Game is it and what does it Compare to
The can be compared to any other popular survival game such as DayZ, Rust, or even Minecraft. The ideas of the game are quite basic as far as i can see, with the idea of harmful creatures, building and hunting for supplies. There are no unique features to this game compared to others, nothing that hasn't been done before. This game is more like Rust than the others, with its graphics, game play and building.

What Does it Mean to be Early Access
To have a game be early access, the creators are trying to put the game out to be tested. A brand new game can have a lot of problems if it isnt properly tested, So if you get early access to a game, you are basically a "tester" for the creators. Find any issues and if there arent any, give feedback about what you like and dont like.

What are a Few Features of the Game
The game has different aspects and features. The basics, that every game has is the ability to change the graphical settings, it was the first the i went to before starting game play. There are also "general" and "actions" tabs to give the player greater understanding of the controls of the game. It also includes building shelters and fighting with creatures. The game also allows you to craft clothing for yourself (yes, you do start off with pants). The game also has un-harmful creatures like chickens which you can kill and get food and feathers from. The game puts crates around the map, but there can be different types of crates, there are the basic wood crates and then there are crates for ammunition. There are also plants that can be picked up for crafting of medicine.

Tips for Day 1 (According to the Game)

The game recommends to find crates around the map, avoid harmful animals and to build a "base command unit" for more building options.

My Advice
With the little time of play, I can definitely recommend to be aware of your surroundings because a bear can sneak up at any time. Dying like that can be frustrating when you have an abundance of resources. Also if you are being attacked, it is possible to run away. Run, its the best option for beginners. Id also recommend to turn down graphic settings as much as possible to get better frames, which can result in better game play.