Tuesday 28 February 2017

Khan Acadeny- Whats for Dinner

Dinner has been served. We got some peas, a taco, grilled salmon and a carrot.

Khan Academy- Sunny Snowy Day

In this project, colour was to be added to the picture. The background was added entering a code before all other coding, the function being "background(0, 166, 255);" (for the my blue background). When filling in shapes, the colour will apply to everything below it if everything below it does not have a filling of its own. To colour/fill shapes, the "fill(255,0,0);" is to be used. When entering that code, a menu will pop up with various colours to CHOOSE from, you do not need to know the code for specific colours.

Monday 27 February 2017

Khan Academy- Waving Snowman

In this project the goal was to incorporate more shapes to the snowman, like arms. The arms are made of lines using the "line(x1,y1,x2,y2)" function. The line being different from the ellipse because unlike the ellipse, a line has no height or width, just a starting and end point. A ground for the snowman to stand on was also added using the "rect(x,y,w,h)" function.

Khan Academy- Simple Snowman

Creating/Drawing simple circles or ellipses using the command "ellipse(x,y,w,h)". The "x" and "y" controlling its position where as the "w" and "h" control the size and shape of the ellipse.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Friday Post-February 17, 2017

What I Did this Week
-Last week the class had been introduced to an animation program called Pivot. Since then we were asked to make animations of Youtube videos. The Videos consisted of someone getting hit in the face repeatedly in sports events. There are two separate animations, one being of the soccer game and the other being of a volleyball game.
-The posts I published this week: Pivot- Soccer and Pivot Volleyball

What I Learned
-I learned to manipulate were the various hotkeys that can be used in Pivot. There were many, I didn't get to use all of them throughout the two projects on the program but I had narrowed it down to the most useful ones. The main keys being "P"(to play), "S"(to stop), "Spacebar"(to add frame) and the most useful and stress relieving was "ctrl+z"(to undo).

-The "soccerball.jpg" will not load as a sprite image for one reason. To load it as a sprite image to Pivot the image must be a GIF, Bitmap or PNG. That soccerball image is a jpg.
-The warning pop up is asking if you want the loaded background image to fir the dimensions you set for your pivot animation. By clicking "yes", the image would enlarge to fit the dimensions of 900 by 450. By clicking "No" the image will load into the background but will not fit the whole dimensions of the background.

Friday 3 February 2017

Super Planet Crash

100 Years

200 Years

300 Years

400 Years

500 Years

Friday POST February 03, 2017 - Darrel BLOG

What Did I Do This Week?
  • To enhance my blog, I had created both a banner and avatar to publish on my blog using Bannersnack and MyBlueRobot to give my blog a bit more character. I had also added a link list to other peers/Mr.Biliesky's blog and google search to the side bar of my page. Also my first posts have been published to the blog throughout the week.

Post Titles Include: "First Post", "Predicted Grade", "What I Want to Learn in IT" and "Groundhog Day"

What Did I Learn in IT?

  • First thing I learnt was how to create links on my posts. To start I would acquire the desired link and copy it (to copy, highlight the address and press "Ctrl" + "C"). Next, I would go to "New Post" and create a hyperlink. To do so I would type in the body a word or words, after doing so I would highlight the words I want to make "clickable" to get to the desired link. Afterwards I would go to the top of the page and click the "Link" button.
         A menu will then pop up
then in the area highlighted yellow paste the link you copied in the very first step (using "Ctrl" + "V"). Once done, press "OK" and you have created a hyperlink.

  • Second thing was how to change the colour of the background on each post. I simply copied the code "<div style="background: lime;">", replacing the word "lime" with any desired colour that you can choose from this site. In the "new Post" page click "HTML" and paste the code above all other coding. and then at the bottom of the page paste in the code " </div>".
  • Third thing was how to search for animated pictures. Typing in the key word to the search engine, Google, will bring you to the "All" section. At the top of the page click "images" then click "tools". 
         Then tools will bring down another bar, a bar which includes "Type". Clicking "Type"               will bring down more words which includes "Animated", clicking that will bring                         animated pictures to your viewing.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Ground Hog Day

1. What is ground hog day? - definition plus history with images

A. On February 2nd a groundhog is to emerge from its burrow hole in the ground.  If the groundhog, emerging from hibernation, sees its own shadow it is said to go back into hibernation and the winter weather will likely carry on for another six weeks. The popular tradition is mostly followed in the United States. Traditions like Groundhog day carries some ways of the past when nature actually influenced the lives of people.

2. What is Punxsutawney Phil's prediction?

A. Phil is the only real groundhog that forecasts the weather. The groundhog is always correct, never wrong. There is said to be only one Punxsutawney Phil who has been making these Groundhog day predictions for 130 years! This year for 2017 he predicts that there will be more winter.

3. What is Wiarton Willie's prediction?

A. Wiarton Willie predicts that there will be an early spring for 2017

Wednesday 1 February 2017

What I Want to Learn in IT

I would like to learn more about photo and video editing. To be able to know what and how to properly use the tools within a photo/video editing program such as Photoshop or Adobe After Effects would be a great start. Then to be able to use those tools in the best way they can be used to achieve a high quality product in the end would be ideal. I would hope to be able to apply these skills to class projects, turn it into a hobby or even make memes from it.

Predicted Grade